Don’t contractors typically have the WORST scheduling and timing?

We are a contractor and even WE readily agree on that. We see and hear so many stories about the contractor who said “three weeks,” or, “I’ll be there on Friday,” only to no-show or arrive late.
That’s why we strive to be different. It starts with us being honest about our schedule and timing. If we are busy, we cushion our schedule a bit and give realistic expectations to our future clients.
This not only helps us ensure accuracy, but gives our painters some breathing room to properly complete a job without being rushed.

What good does it do to tell you we will be there on Thursday, and then have to reschedule for Monday? We would rather give you the truth: “We cannot get to your house this week, but we can save Monday for you, and will be there at 8am.”
If we say “Monday, November 1st”, and then you don’t hear from us… it’s because we are going to show up exactly on Monday, November 1st! :-)
This is just one aspect of how we are professional in our Las Vegas interior painting and how we prioritize our relationship with each customer

Give us a call today for a free interior painting quote. We schedule our appointment slots accurately as well! 702-728-0002